So, you use the internet everyday for many, many things. Entertainment, business, communication and with our friends on chat.
So, is the internet really secure? Yes, we all want to believe that it is. But to repeat my question. Is the internet really secure?
For me to answer the question I have posed, goes as follows. I do not know, truthfully speaking.
I do know that internet corporations go to great lengths to protect our data from others. But, how many times have we heard that an internet connected corporation that we know, use, and trust has suffered a data breach.
It has been some years past that I migrated from Yahoo! to Google for the very reason of data security.
I recall a court case many years past where a judge declared that we as netcitizens had no or should have no reasonable expectations of privacy when using a third party to communicate.
To be honest I am not sure where the courts stand today on privacy issues in the areas of Email, Chat, and other forms of data transmissions.
Personally, I solved the problem by NOT including that which I deemed personal and or confidential when using Emails, Chat, or any other forms of data transmission.
I have computers that I use for specific purposes that are not connected and cannot be connected to the internet, I term those computers as neutered.
And while I dearly love and treasure my smartphone I am very aware that it to will betray me.
Yes, many would say that I am being paranoid. I believe that I am simply termed as "a realist".
This is presented as my opinion only.