GREETINGS and WELCOME to my world.
What does the term "hacking" bring to mind when you hear it. Well in most all cases individuals freak-out when they hear the term. I am a "hacker", but I do not attempt to trespass into the data of corporations, governments, financial institutions, or individuals. I hack problems, and have been doing so since I can remember. I am curious by nature, probably because I have opposing thumbs and a very high intelligence quotient coupled with a memory that allows me to store much more that I want. That is not a brag, in fact it is likely the first time I have admitted it in such a public manner. Some would say that a nearly photographic memory is a blessing, I however, consider it a curse.
My mind is never at rest, the synaptic activity in my brain seems to be in a constant state of starvation, requiring a constant stream of informational input. I have come to understand that I look at everything as a problem to be solved. Thankfully, I have conditioned my behavioral defenses to "look away" and sometimes to "walk away". But that in no way means that I do not look back over my shoulder as I walk away.
Sleep for me is a problem requiring the use of sleep aides, Tibetan Singing Bowls sounds via Youtube, or the Art of Meditation. The Art of Meditation is something that I have yet to master. Exhaustion, however has proven to be very effective sleep aid, but only comes approximately five hours too late. Which serves to destroy my mental acuity the following day.
No, my brain never turns off. Beginning with PROJECT "OR" in 2007, shifting to PROJECT "PHENOMENON" in 2008 and again shifting to Project MM in 2021, I have been in HACK MODE every day since 2008. How to create, or recreate, make it more efficient, make it faster, depart from the norm, has been at the forefront on my mind.
And then there is the subject of security. How to do my work and yet keep it safe from others? It has been a problem, but not a big problem. The one key factor is if you have something that you do not want known, never use any device of any nature that could be connected to the internet or taken by others. If you do, well then you are only fooling yourself.
Hacking as I do, there is no need to trespass, there is more than enough information in the public domain. Always remember my favorite quotation. There are two types of individuals in the world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.